Currently reading...
# 25 Jun, 2013 11:15 | |
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, Not much help with motorbikes but it changed my perspective on life as a younger man For good! I first tried reading it at the tender age of 22 but had to come back several times as I got older and slightly wiser, I'm 40 in march a d I've just picked it up again its a new book and extremely relevant, it even features the Tao!! |
# 26 Jun, 2013 12:28 | |
I'm slowly reading “Chaos” by James Gleick. A really great book about Chaos theory. He talks about concepts like the butterfly effect and how the theories rocked Newtonian physics. This book inspired the character Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) from Jurassic Park. |
# 27 Jun, 2013 22:25 | |
Khan Also being working through that for it was recommended by the great robert sapolsky. nice read. had no idea about jurassic park aspect |
# 27 Jun, 2013 23:10 | |
theDrunkenCreationist The way Gleick described the manner in which chaos theory rocked Newtonian physics and chastised scientists for blindly standing on the shoulders of giants, reminded me of the Ian Malcolm speeches in the middle of the film. It prompted me to dig out my old copy of Jurassic Park and sure enough, Gleick is mentioned in the author acknowledgements as one of two inspirations for the chaos theory elements, Ivar Ekeland being the other. Crichton also said the work of Heinz Pagels“provoked Ian Malcolm.” |
# 09 Jul, 2013 08:58 | |
![]() “Mastery” by Robert Greene I found a review on the Aubrey's website for it after the last podcast and decided to give it a chance. And HOLY FUCK, if your reading this, stop what you're doing find this book, then beg, borrow or steal it. You won't be sorry. I went in thinking it was another kind of new age self help book. I couldn't have been more wrong. Think of it like a how to manual for life. The book should be mandatory reading to every kid in high school. I highly recommend it. |
# 13 Jul, 2013 01:47 | |
![]() About half way through. An easy flowing, decent read. Fit this book between two Classic 10/10's to mix up the information your digesting. |
# 13 Jul, 2013 05:17 | |
Just finished reading all of Sam Sheridan's books. A Fighter's Heart, The Fighter's Mind, and The Disaster Diaries. I highly recommend that you check them out if you have not. The Fighter's Mind is my favorite of the three but The Disaster Diaries is probably the most essential book of the three just because it could possibly save your ass some day. Am currently reading The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin, one of the subjects for The Fighter's Mind. Josh was also the chess subject for the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer. He is now a Tai Chi master and the book delves into his techniques for mastering the art of performance. |
# 27 Jul, 2013 10:02 | |
![]() The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica. I watched a TED talk by the first author a couple years ago about how school kills creativity in kids. Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Its more of the same, but more in depth and also provides possible ways to prevent it from happening. |
# 31 Jul, 2013 14:32 | |
Just finished Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. This book may be the most influential book I've read to-date. This podcast, in particular, sparked an interest in Taoism. As an introduction to this philosophy, I'm half way through The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff. Granted, I'm only half through the book, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a basic introduction to the general concepts of the Tao. Next in queue is Walden by Henry David Thoreau. I've pushed it back a few times based on what were peaks of interest in particular philosophies (stoicism and Taoism), but I've been itching to read this for at least a year now. |
# 31 Jul, 2013 19:14 | |
reading “Alfred North Whitehead: Process and Reality” - jesus fucking christ what a book. Has someone here worked through that? |