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# 31 Mar, 2013 19:57 | |
torgn Finished it a week or two ago. I do not write, nor do I do what most would call art, but this book really helped me appreciate the work I do and want to do. I reccommend it for any and all who want more out of themselves. |
# 03 Apr, 2013 00:28 | |
Mode One: Let women know what you're really thinking by Alan Roger Currie The great thing about this book is it describes the different types of men and their faulty logic when it comes to dealing with women. I came to realize that most of my behavior towards not just women but people in general was to always attempt to gain their acceptance and that is not living a life through my own intentions it's living a life through the perceptions of others. It was like reading a vulgar version of Buddhist and Taoist philosophy. I never read The Game but I'm well aware of Mystery's teaching and this is nothing like that. Like any philosophy I have taken the principles that suited my style and used them while choosing not to incorporate other teachings from this book. |
# 03 Apr, 2013 08:48 | |
The 4 Hour Chef![]() I won a signed copy of Ferriss' new book and have been dipping in and out of it - it's very well structured and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in food, noob or pro. Some v.tasty recipes too! Working towards my black-belt in cooking and BJJ at the same time is an interesting experience, so many parallels I had no idea. |
# 03 Apr, 2013 19:25 | |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being By Milan Kundera While listening to Chris Ryan's podcast he talked about this book which i had been wanting to read for a while and…I am in LOVE. I don't like when books are written really pretentiously or are overly literary. Meaning I like to the point literature, not just random impenetrable metaphors. The problem is those books are normally alot less intellectual than the ones that are full crazy symbolism and metaphor. Not the case with Mr. Kunderas masterpeices here. Also short chapters makes the book fly by. I do not read quickly but I've not been able to put down this books and I'ma already 100 pages in after only having around 3 hours to read. The book also feels like its less about the story and more about the points that Kundera makes in the text. Also THIS is how you do eroticism in a novel, Its not annoyingly overt but its also not overly vague. this book is genuinely sexy without losing its meaning in the eroticism |
# 04 Apr, 2013 00:20 | |
Droogy I am so glad that you have discovered Kunderas masterpiece. My all time favorite novel. When I severely lose perspective in my life that book is always within close reach. People can judge me all they like but I still have “muss ess sein?” tattooed on my leg. That book has meant more to me than any other idol throughout my life. Enjoy the rest of the ride, it only gets better! |
# 04 Apr, 2013 18:53 | |
Just finished “Flow My Tears the Policeman Said” by Phillip K Dick after I finished “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich”. I was reading “The Exegesis of Phillip K Dick”, one of the most mind bending things I've ever read, but about halfway through I realized I wouldn't understand it fully unless I went back and read some of his works he's always mentioning in “Exegesis”. In “Exegesis” he speculates how his novels were “transmitted” to him by a higher power he refers to as “VALIS - Vast Active Living Information System”, some sort of transdimensional intelligence that communicates telepathically with select people. Far out stuff. I'm about to read “Ubik” and will probably be about to lose it after reading three PKD novels in a row, but it'll be a delightful journey into madness. |
# 06 Apr, 2013 06:24 | |
Thanks Droogy, Troyh - Your passion for The Unbearable Lightness of Being got me reading it last night, and I love it. Absolutely love it. One minute I think he's written about my own life, the next he's blowing my tiny mind with a fresh slant on something profound. I picked the book up in a charity shop nearly two years ago, but didn't know enough about it to bump it to the top of my pile. Many thanks! |
# 07 Apr, 2013 12:06 | |
Steve Oh Steve I am so glad that I could encourage another to pick it up. To anyone else reading this I couldn't recommend it enough. Most of Kunderas books are great but there is little doubt Unbearable lightness is his crown jewel. Anyway man, made my day hearing I had inspired you to pick it up. Please enjoy the rest of the novel Steve good on you. |
# 14 Apr, 2013 19:55 | |
I'd love to get feedback from whoever gets a chance to read Create Your Own Religion |
# 18 Apr, 2013 01:08 | |
Just finished On the Warrior's Path and want to reread it again soon it was so good. Starting Create Your Own Religion today and will give you feedback as soon as I am done Daniele. |