Episode 197 - The Tao of Communication

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- My mom's book about James Weddell (see episode 30) If you are interested, check it out here: http://amzn.to/N2Logr.
- Daisy House released their album. Check them out here: daisyhouse.bandcamp.com.
- Daniele's books: NEW BOOK JUST RELEASED! "NOT AFRAID" If you click on any of the covers at this site www.danielebolelli.com, it'll take you straight to the Amazon page. AN AUDIOBOOK VERSION OF “NOT AFRAID” IS AVAILABLE HERE: danielebolelli.com/downloads/not-afraid-audiobook/.
- THE TAOIST LECTURE SERIES IS HERE!!!!!! Get yours here: danielebolelli.com/downloads/taoist-lectures
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Thank you for the wine to Aum Cellars
Contact Savannah Em at [email protected] if you are interested in the Ikkyu Scroll
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Thank you to grasslandbeef.com!
Check out the great wines from Materra Wines
Thank you to www.snowroast.com for their delicious coffee. Use the code “DRUNKEN” or “HISTORY” for a 15% discount!
Today, we chat about communication & miscommunication, the council of Elrond, religions and philosophies that have shamed people for their sexuality, focusing on actionable items rather than abstract ideologies, how generalizations breed stereotypes, interacting with individuals rather than treating individuals as representatives of a certain ideology, if the ability for complex communication is what separates humans from animals why are we so bad at it, a pragmatic approach to communication, Daniele's strategy for teaching history of religions, Italian politics, Lega Lombarda, Italian culture & food, 'Back to the Future', and much more.