Episode 136 - Two Angry Sisters Against a Samurai

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Thank you for the wine to Aum Cellars


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The Rant of the Day:

  • The American version of the video game "Conan Exiles"
  • Dismembering people is just good natured fun, but the naked human body...the horror! Think of the children!
  • Extreme repression and extreme obsession feed one another
  • Timothy Lira and Alfredo sauce—the boiled placenta of female demons as they give birth to their evil spawns

The "Iz Moment":

  • Six weeks of mild depression lifted by Iz
  • Teenage moodiness
  • Evil Iz, the Offspring, and Daniele is just a sucker with no self-esteem
  • The loneliness epidemic
  • The multiple causes for mass shootings, Reagan and tripling the federal budget, and the $ addiction

The Storytelling Moment:

  • Two angry sisters against a murderous samurai

The "Ask Bolelli" Corner:

  • Jordan Peterson, Confucianism, and Taoism
  • I don't feel nostalgic for the 1950s
  • Disney movies
  • Poor communication as a communication strategy

The "I Have a Dream" Corner:
