Episode 122 - Nuance in the Age of Fear and Outrage

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- Thank you to Chris Odell from Datsusara! If you are interested in computer bags, backpacks, gi, and other hemp products www.dsgear.com. Here's the awesome Datsusara animation of a Drunken Taoist episode by Paul Klawiter: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwQcEm6cioM
- Thank you to Aubrey Marcus from Onnit! If you are in the market for supplements, workout gear, or great foods, use our own podcast link for a discount with Onnit by going to www.onnit.com/taoist.
- Use the code "warrior" for a discount on the great t-shirts at suredesigntshirts.com
- DRUNKEN TAOIST T-SHIRTS FEATURING IKKYU SOJUN!!!!! ORDER YOURS NOW!!!!! Straight from Bolelli's perverted brain, through the artistic hand of Savannah Em, here are the new Drunken Taoist t-shirts: http://www.danielebolelli.com/drunken-taoist-podcast-t-shirts-pre-order/. Thank you to the epic Savannah Em for the art and to Bennett Grunberg from Sure Design for his support with this. For any questions, email me at [email protected].
- My mom's book about James Weddell (see episode 30) If you are interested, check it out here: http://amzn.to/N2Logr.
- If you are in dire need of chocolate, audiobooks or awesome t-shirts, check our affiliates:
- The code "daniele" gets you a discount on the food of the gods (chocolate!) www.coracaoconfections.com.
- And if you need audiobooks, check www.audibletrial.com/thedrunkentaoist.
- Daisy House released their album. Check them out here: daisyhouse.bandcamp.com.
- Daniele's books: NEW BOOK JUST RELEASED! "NOT AFRAID" If you click on any of the covers at this site www.danielebolelli.com, it'll take you straight to the Amazon page. AN AUDIOBOOK VERSION OF “NOT AFRAID” IS AVAILABLE HERE: danielebolelli.com/downloads/not-afraid-audiobook/.
- THE TAOIST LECTURE SERIES IS HERE!!!!!! Get yours here: danielebolelli.com/downloads/taoist-lectures
- Interested in Martial Arts? Check out Daniele's instructional on leglocks: https://leglocks.vhx.tv
- If you are interested in kiva.org, please contact Rich: [email protected]
And please check out my public Facebook page
DANIELE's HISTORICAL PODCAST IS HERE! Please subscribe: www.historyonfirepodcast.com
Thank you for the wine to Aum Cellars
Contact Savannah Em at [email protected] if you are interested in the Ikkyu Scroll
MMA GYM in LA: Check out https://fightsciencemma.com/
For great medicinal mushrooms, check out Alpha.Dynamics: Instagram and at www.alphadynamicshealth.com
Father's Bolelli Sunday School: The Bible according to Quentin Tarantino
- Biblical fan fiction: The Gospel of James
- Why it's a bad idea to test Mary's virginity
- Jesus in Junior High: Bullies never stood a chance
The "Rant of the Day":
- Hugging Nazis
- Fear and outrage get clicks
- Ben Shapiro and Broken Clocks
- Building a career on finding idiots on the other side of the political spectrum and making fun of them
- Ideological slaves
- Ben Shapiro and Dan Carlin: the difference between being a partisan hack and someone who's intellectually honest
- "Empire isn't a choice. Empire is a duty"
The "Storytelling Moment":
- Caesar and the pirates
The "I Have A Dream" Corner:
- Daniele hits the wrong person
The "Iz Moment":
- Iz reads her article
- Addams Family Values
- The Wampanoags and Puritans = murderous Thanksgiving
The "Ask Bolelli" Corner:
- Dan Carlin and Common Sense
- Nietzsche on gods and monsters
- Dan's nuance gets drowned by the noise of the black and white mentality
- If you dare to say what people with a different viewpoint argue, then you are seen as a collaborator
- Thank you to Savannah's Sponsors:
- Onnit
- Datsusara
- Fight Chix (use the code Drunken20 for a discount)
- Shaman's Simple Solutions
- Float Clinic