Episode 123 - The Robin Hood of Weed

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Thank you for the wine to Aum Cellars


The Conan Rash Guard

Contact Savannah Em at [email protected] if you are interested in the Ikkyu Scroll

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For great medicinal mushrooms, check out Alpha.Dynamics: Instagram and at www.alphadynamicshealth.com

  • Cannabis as medicine
  • The endocannabinoid system
  • A case study
  • Robin Weed's approach to dealing with racism
  • Eating cannabis like a salad
  • The impact on fats on THC-consumption
  • Watch out for pesticides in cannabis concentrates
  • Why it's important to grow your own
  • Experimenting with the Wim Hof method
  • "If you are going to say something on the internet to somebody, make sure you'd say that to their face. Just know that there are people like me who will drive to your front door."
  • "Out of all the drug addictions you can have, being addicted to serotonin released by acts of generosity is one of the best"
  • Hunting and giving away
  • The ethics of hunting vs. factory farming
  • "If you can't go out and hunt your own food, you should probably consider being a vegetarian."
  • Attachment and money
  • Iz about the Sheriff of Nottingham
