How do you add a picture to your TDT forum account?
Can't quite seem to figure it out…
I'm not sure if that's enabled; I can't see any options but perhaps that was a conscious decision to not have reps/negs etc.
somebody has done it in another thread, but i'm not sure how. if you guys would like you can ask Evan at [email protected] Just put “question for Evan” in the subject line
You can edit it here:
Evans words on the matter:
I just realized that there's really no way to manage your user profile for the forum. For those of us who are admins, it can be done manually within the admin, but really it should be done just as every other user does it. I dug a little and there's an edit page you can use here:
I'm going to tidy it up a bit and make it more readily available to users I'm sure he'll get to it asap.
BAM! Thank you very much for the help!
Thanks & bump
I made this topic a sticky so you do not have to bump it anymore.
By the way, there is now a “Profile” link on the upper right hand corner of the forum. You can add your photo there.
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