Episode 35 - Tait Fletcher, Nothing but Heart

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- Thank you to our sponsors, Chris O'Dell from Datsusara, and Aubrey Marcus from Onnit. If you are interested in computer bags, backpacks, gi, and other hemp products www.dsgear.com. Use the code "daniele" at checkout for a discount.
- Also, here's the awesome Datsusara animation of a Drunken Taoist episode by Paul Klawiter: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwQcEm6cioM.
- If you are in the market for supplements, workout gear, or great foods, use our own podcast link for a discount with Onnit by going to www.onnit.com/taoist.
- Use the code "warrior" for a discount on the great t-shirts at suredesigntshirts.com.
- T-SHIRTS!!!!!! In addition to our traditional Drunken Taoist logo t-shirt, which are always in stock and ready to ship, we are now taking pre-orders for the new design. See if you can spot yours truly, Iz, Duncan Trussell, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ikkyu Sojun, Tom Robbins, Shiva and Ganesh, Dionysus and Pan, Rich Evirs, Savannah Em, Buddha (or, what's left of him) in the midst of the Dionysian revelries taking place in the forest. Thank you to the epic Savannah Em for the art and to Bennett Grunberg from Sure Design for his support with this. If you want to buy a drunken taoist t-shirt, email me at [email protected] and I'll check to see if we have your size and color before you pay anything. You can take a look at the old and new designs here: http://www.danielebolelli.com/drunken-taoist-podcast-t-shirts-pre-order/
- If you find yourself in need of a hangover remedy (as listeners of something called "The Drunken Taoist" may be bound to do), please check out the website and use the code DRUNKTAO for a 10% discount. Money back guarantee and free shipping to make things easier for you.
- If you are in dire need of chocolate, audiobooks or awesome t-shirts, check our affiliates:
- The code "daniele" gets you a discount on the food of the gods (chocolate!) www.coracaoconfections.com.
- AND use the promo code "podcast" from now until Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th) for 15% OFF all order of $49 or more.
- And if you need audiobooks, check www.audibletrial.com/thedrunkentaoist.
- Daisy House released their album. Check them out here: daisyhouse.bandcamp.com.
- MY NEW BOOK IS IN STORES!!!!!! It's entitled "Create Your Own Religion" and features endorsements by Joe Rogan, Mike Vallely, Ben Harper, Shannon Lee and Tom Robbins. If you click on the cover at this site www.danielebolelli.com, it'll take you straight to the Amazon page.
- A lecture series about Taoism is in the works.
- If you are interested in kiva.org, please contact Rich: [email protected]
Forum: we launched The Drunken Taoist forum. Check it here, start conversations and be nice to each other! thedrunkentaoist.com/forum.
- From Classical Literature to MMA
- A "colored" history: selling dope to bikers in exchange for guns... the typical activities of all classical literature majors
- Bank robberies and jail
- Shooting dope with a 40 year old junkie stimulates Tait to try a different path
- Tait's experience with kung fu and aikido. "If I showed you what I really know, it'd would kill you" :)
- Full contact stick-fighting as a form of therapy
- Tait's brand of paying it forward
- Training under Greg Jackson
- "Life is hard. If you got to drink a bottle of Jack Daniels to get through the day, I fucking get it." But being ready to offer alternatives
- Standing in the light
- An ant trying to fight a tank
- "I am not interested in having a business... I am interested in a revolution"
- The windingo is the number one enemy in the world
- Alan Watts on good materialism
- Self-perfection through mutual benefit
- Tait about Taoism, Marcus Aurelius and living in the moment
- Greg Jackson "You gotta get comfortable when other men are uncomfortable" and Hoka Hey!
- A good, safe strategy vs. embracing having no control
- Authenticity: Daniele and Tait don't feel Eckhart Tolle
- "Life is bigger than any ideology." Freeing ourselves from obedience to any ideology
- Discussing the ultimate questions (life, death, the universe) with Iz. Lack of certainties and the focus on being happy
- Richard Pryor doing for Civil Rights as much as Martin Luther King
- Rich and Tait on "Breaking Bad"
- Having the strength to be kind when life is not
- Look on iTunes for "Pirate Life with Tait Fletcher", here's Tait's website: http://taitgfletcher.com and his twitter https://twitter.com/TaitimusMaximus