Episode 1 - Duncan Trussell: Vampire Hunter

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Why we do this, screw overspecialization, realistic optimism, mushroom spores, etc.
Chat with Duncan:
Eating strawberries and Duncan wants his face on sheets of acid. The conversation ranges from the most disgusting stories ever about Duncan and his sex toys (if you are a sensitive soul... sorry!) to slaying vampires, to good porn vs. bad porn, to debating the finer points of Taoist philosophy, to the beauty of paradox. You'll learn about the hot but evil lady I was flirting with, the tale of Lao Tzu being thrown in jail by an overenthusiastic fan, why Yin and Yang are making out, and the fact that great chefs don't follow recipes. And last but not least "Rules are for people who are too stupid to live without rules.
Here's Duncan's twitter @duncantrussell and website: http://duncantrussell.com/